My name is Paul Regan

I am a dad, pretty average joe and co-founder of Stand Tall. When I’m not with the family or standing in the rain watching my son play football or rugby on the weekend, I’m at my desk hard at work in the NHS. If not at work, I’m listening to a podcast or reading about mental health and wellbeing. When I’m not doing that, I’m at the gym or on a trail. I’m no gym buff, but I value looking after myself and the importance of maintaining my health for family and myself. I want to be a healthy dad for as long as possible and I want my children to value their health. When I say health, I mean both mental and physical health.

I have been working in Mental Health for over 10 years and began my training as a mental health nurse way back in 2013. I have worked in many different areas across a range of client groups. I was also a mental health nurse in the Army Reserve and believe it or not was a PTI. I am interested in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, have a postgraduate qualification in it and am perpetually studying. At present I work in a role which I love. I speak to a lot of people, carry out assessments and provide a range of interventions, 1:1 work and groups. 

I have always had a passion for helping others learn more about mental health and wellbeing and I want to do my part for my local community. This is why I set up Stand Tall with Charles. I love writing blogs, chatting nonsense and love doing our Stand Tall podcast.

My name is

Charles Needham

A co-founder of Stand Tall. After finishing university, I started working as a Radiographer. While I found the work fulfilling, I often felt frustrated by the limited time I had with patients to address the deeper issues they were dealing with. That’s when I discovered my passion for fitness and began honing my skills in gymnastics, olympic weightlifting and cardiovascular conditioning.

My love for physical activity led me to become a rugby coach for the local Barry RFC Under 8s team. I believe that physical activity can support mental wellbeing, which is why I co-founded Stand Tall with Paul Regan. Our shared vision of blending mental health education with physical activities is the perfect way to help people prioritize their mental and physical health.

As a father, I understand the importance of setting a good example for my son and instilling in him the value of taking care of both their mental and physical health. Through Stand Tall, I’m dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their health and wellbeing by offering practical activity-led sessions. Whether it’s coaching rugby, leading fitness sessions, or creating engaging content for the Stand Tall community, I’m passionate about making a positive impact on mental health.

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